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ScrollLock (by default) - minimize/restore SimpleNotes
Esc - minimize SimpleNotes
Scroll mouse wheel when cursor over pages' names - change page
Ctrl+N - create new page
Ctrl+O - open file as new page
Ctrl+D - delete current page
Ctrl+S - save current page as file
Ctrl+P - print current page
Ctrl+F - search in the page
Ctrl+Z - undo (max 100 times)
Ctrl+Y - redo
Ctrl +X, +C, +V, +A - for clipboard
Ctrl +L, +E, +R - different text aligment
Ctrl +B, +I, +U - font styles
Ctrl+Alt+R - rename current page
Ctrl+M - markers
Ctrl+Alt+S - strikeout font
Ctrl+W - word wrap
Ctrl+T - always stay on top
Ctrl+ +/- - increase/decrease font size
Ctrl+arrow left/right - previous/next word
Ctrl+arrow up/down - next/previous paragraph
Ctrl+PgDn/PgUp - first/last paragraph
Mouse Left Button+Scroll Up/Down - increase/decrease text scale
Alt+1,2..9 - go to the page under this number
Ctrl+Alt+D - insert current date into the text
Ctrl+Alt+E - insert symbol "И" into the text
Ctrl+Alt+F - font format
Ctrl+Alt+C - page background color
Ctrl+Alt+M - hide/show main menu
F2 - SimpleNotes preferences
F3 - calculator
F4 - backup of data
F5 - restore data
Alt+X - exit

Rambler's Top100

(c) 2004-2008

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